Big Problem in Cinema 4D to AR
In this week, I am in a long and hard road to explore the Cinema 4D and Adobe Aero, and I watched some animation examples in order to find some ideas to me.
At first, I found a tutorial video on the Youtube, it looks cool and awesome. I followed the video step by step and see the lights. During the 3hours, I created a good-looking fan.
Then, I started to put it in the Adobe Aero and add the background for it. At this step, many problems appeared.
- The “hair” cannot export into the .fbx file. When I exported it and watched it in the Autodesk FBX Viewer, the hair is disappeared.
- The way the fan rotates is wrong, it does not rotate correctly as in Cinema 4D. It is wired.
I tried to find the solution of these problems. I started to deleted some parts and hope to make it spin correctly. To be honest, I failed.
At last, I still want to see something interesting in the Adobe Aero, so I export last assignment — CM Studio logo animation in the Aero App.