Synesthesia - Four seasons

Yuan Zhuang
6 min readOct 27, 2020


In the Lisa’s class, we watched a speech about the difference between the world conveyed to us by our five senses and real time. This presentation talks about the concept of Synesthesia.

What is the Synesthesia?

Synaesthesia is one feeling that sometimes triggers another. Perhaps the most common form of synesthesia is called grapheme color synesthesia and this is where people, when they see letters or numbers and graphenes, they will have an associated experience of color.

And when I started to write this month post, I felt that the autumn is going and the winter is coming. So, I think of my four classes in this semester, which seems to be very similar to my feelings about the four seasons.

Critical Making — Winter

To be honest, when I think about this theme, when I feel winter coming, the first thing that comes to my mind is critical making can be the signal of the winter. In my impression of winter, there are not only cold, thick and white, but also beautiful scenery, breaking through and challenging myself. Snow is pure white, snow and snow can be mixed into a beautiful scene. But if you want to get a picture or get close to it, you may have to drive over ice or deep snow. The same goes for Critical Making. The finished products are very beautiful. I like this class very much because When I see the finished products, I will be full of pride and happiness. These finished products are made through my own efforts. But the process of making these things is fun and hard. For example, we’ve been working on a 3D model recently, and this week we’re turning the 3D model we’ve done into visualization.To be honest, when I think about this theme, when I feel winter coming, the first thing that comes to my mind is critical making can be the signal of the winter. In my impression of winter, there are not only cold, thick and white, but also beautiful scenery, breaking through and challenging myself. Snow is pure white, snow and snow can be mixed into a beautiful scene. But if you want to get a picture or get close to it, you may have to drive over ice or deep snow. The same goes for Critical Making. The finished products are very beautiful. I like this class very much because When I see the finished products, I will be full of pride and happiness. These finished products are made through my own efforts. But the process of making these things is fun and hard. For example, we’ve been working on a 3D model recently, and this week we’re turning the 3D model we’ve done into visualization. From the very beginning, making this 3D model was full of challenges for me. I went through a lot of tutorials and spent a lot of time figuring out how to turn a flat idea into a 3D idea. You have to figure out the length of each side, the height of each side, and then you have to make a well-proportioned table. Then, by changing the size and direction of the XYZ axis, different tables can be made for different purposes. This week, in the process of visualization, I imagined three different scenarios. So that my desk can be used for different purposes. Adobe DN software can be used to achieve visualization, and I will also encounter many difficulties in this process. But when I worked it out one by one and saw the final rendering, I felt it was all worth it. I seem to see a beautiful scene, after the challenge of the beautiful scene.

Experience Foundation — Spring

In my mind, the words for spring will be — grow, green, vital and alive. Yes, spring gives me the feeling that nature is awaking and everything is about to start growing. Rich’s EXD class makes me feel like spring. In this lesson, we need to burst out a lot of ideas, need to make their own rapid growth. For me, this lesson has a lot of knowledge. I didn’t know much about interaction design before, just some basic theory of design. This class started from the practice, which let me gradually feel the relationship between the product and the customer. For the first time, I learned that different interactive pages require different information, so that customers or users can have a good user experience. In this lesson, I’ve chosen to do the interactive design for the airline ticket search page, and recently we’ve been working on Personas. We need to select a specific person, interview him and find out what he thinks of the flight search page. From the beginning, I just tried to make interactive pages of different sizes, trying to understand what typography and information was required for each page. When I come into contact with customers, I will have a better understanding of what kind of information they need and what kind of operation interface. This course makes me feel that my understanding of interaction design is growing, and I am more interested in the field of interaction design.

RE Studio - Summer

I enjoyed the Re-Studio class so much that I liken it to summer. I like summer very much, because it makes me feel cool, feel the waves of the sea and very clear of myself. When I am by the sea, I am willing to give myself up to the sea. Lying on the beach, I will have a lot of thoughts in my mind, about myself, about the future. I like to spend summer at the seaside, because the sound of the sea makes me comfortable. I like eating cold ice cream and walking on the road with my friends. In the course of Re-Studio, we need to design an app about time management. At the beginning, I interviewed customers, made Personas, and finally designed the system color and app page for my app. Each step is like the waves of the sea, layer after layer like me coming. I am enjoying the challenge of each floor and stepping over each wave (carefully designing each step). Finally facing the sea, I feel so beautiful. The next class in Re-Studio needs to be completed together with the team members. I like my group very much, and as I said, traveling with friends makes me happy. I hope I can finish the team project with clear thinking and teamwork. I also hope to learn more about page design from this lesson.

Design of Leadership — Autumn

Autumn is warm for me. The yellow and red leaves interweave with the mountain scenery, which is really super beautiful. I don’t think autumn is bleak, dry or lonely. In autumn, I will put on warm clothes ahead of time. In autumn, I will go to the mountain to see the autumn scenery with my friends and share my current mood. Design of Leadership is a class that can make me relax. From time to time, Lisa will share some interesting videos with us, some of which have ideas that I have not noticed before. We can share our views and feelings with Lisa, and she will respond to us. This class is just like autumn, which makes me feel warm and relaxed. As if walking on the thick leaves, with a creaking sound. It’s not noisy, it’s crisp. Like a ray of sunlight in a yellow forest, let me see a gorgeous beam.



Yuan Zhuang

CMCI Student, CU Boulder | Designer in the future | Full of passion and patience | Paint and 3D printing.